Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It does not do to dwell on dreams.

Sometimes I get very upset about the fact that the fantasy worlds in which I become engrossed are not real. I become slightly depressed and frustrated that there are no magic wands, TARDIS, Starfleet, vampire castles, dragons, sonic screwdrivers, lightsabers, tin dogs, iron man suits, androids, magic compasses, transforming robots, flying deloreans, bottomless purses or secret schools for mutants or wizards.
Then I think, these things all "exist" because people like me imagined them into being. I feel less alone in my longing for something extraordinary to be in my world. After all, just because it's in your head, why would that mean it isn't real? I can have whatever I want in my imagination and I can imagine whatever I want.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


So I was thinking, I LIKE to be normal.

It's a wonderful game. It's like I'm tricking all the people because I'm being all pleasant and normal, and then on the inside I'm thinking:
"Oh my god. They have NO IDEA I'm singing the Back to the Future theme in here. I wish I was watching Star Trek right now. Lol what he just said made me think if a funny quote I read on the internet. Don't smile and laugh. They'll see it and then you'll have to explain and then you lose the Normal Game. What time is it? Wow, I've been doing this for a good hour and a half and NOONE suspects a thing. I think Phineas and Ferb comes on in ten minutes. I'll have to watch it later instead. Did he just say there are cookies? Ok, play it cool. Just take one cookie first. You're an adult and you can buy cookies whenever you want them, no need to inhale them in front of these people during your Game. Do you want to lose?! Ew no, I have not seen 'The Notebook' all the way through. Just nod and make that 'OMG such a cute movie' face. Pretend she's talking about Wall-E. There we go."

The only problem is, the longer I go in the Game, the more excited I get about my success. Which is when it get dangerous and I really have to focus.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

No longer the villain.

Everyone knows what you are. It isn't just me seeing you for what you are and her claiming that only she sees "the real" you. EVERYONE KNOWS NOW.
Grandpa trusted my judgement without even discussing it with me. Others saw that my opinion wasn't just that of an overprotective sibling. I wasn't overreacting to her "saying things out of anger". She was saying what she knew was true and you smudged it enough to make her doubt it.
But people know now. Now you're just a cancer that we have to figure out how to cut away without sending her with you. My family sees yours for what it is. We don't blame you for your lot in life.
My parents were going to help you. Try to include you so she wouldn't drift farther. They begged me to be reasonable and give you another chance. My family was going to overpay you for chores to help YOU. I became the villain when I opposed. They could read my body language even when I lied saying I would try to give you another chance.
Now they know. You betrayed what little trust they had in you when the truth came out. They know now what I was trying to tell them. You poked the hive and now more than one wasp is paying attention.
You took what you had for granted. Was it because you never had it before? Because you didn't know how to appreciate her? Noone taught you, I suppose, and you had bad examples. But that doesn't matter now. We will protect her.
She's been pulled down by you and yours and you don't even defend her from them. They spread false stories about her spun from their ill conceived assumptions. They tell her she isn't welcome in their home and you stand by and allow it. Well I won't allow it. She deserves more than what you can give her. She's trying to convince herself she doesn't, but you know and I know better. The difference is you try to convince her she's right.
I'm not the villain in this petty little drama that is your life any longer. Your smoke and mirrors game isn't fooling the rest as it once did. I have my bitter little victory.
Now to suck out the poison and rid her of you. We just have to show her that she has to be the one to cut you out. She's smart enough to realize it, she just needs a little push.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Normal lunch conversation.

Me: I've been eating a lot of baked potatos recently. I like them.
Dad: Yea they're good. I've been thinking of growing potatos.
Me: Gonna plant a baked potato bush?
Dad: No, a potato tree.
Me: Well the baked ones grow on bushes.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Things I've learned

-"Classic" often means "old and you have to read it" and doesn't always mean "enjoyable"
-Always get sturdy cutlery when attempting to eat a kiwi or you will be very disappointed with the result.
-Hand sanitizer means HAND sanitizer and it will not make feet smell better.
-Put your pennies in your piggy bank.
-No matter how late you stay up, you won't learn 3 weeks of material in time for the test tomorrow.
-Starfruit is not good.
-People are surprising.
-It's nice when people tell you you're "too happy".
-Just because you can't taste the rum, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Because I'm a smartass.

Someday, probably, I'll have kids. And since I assume pregnancy won't change my usual level of smartassery, I thought of a few "answers" for when people vaguely ask what the sex of your unborn is (ie, "Do you know yet?", "So, do you know what it is?").

"Well my husband and I are both white, so we're anticipating caucasian."
"Human, I assume. At least that's what we're hoping for."
"Yes! I'm 100% sure that I'm pregnant."
"My understanding is that I have a small human growing in my uterus."

"It's a baby."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I still love him.

Dan: You know you can suck the water out of these thinner plastic water bottles like Capri Sun pouches?
Me: Really.
Dan: Yea *sucks water out of water bottle while crushing it in his hand* See?
Me: You're right. That was great.
Dan: I told you!
Me: Indeed. Let's get married tomorrow.