Friday, March 23, 2012

Half funny story.

Around Christmas I found this website that had costume jewelry that was really cute and it was a huge discount for Christmastime. So, I bought my mother a bracelet.

Then I come to learn that she HATES that kind of bracelet. So, naturally, I attempt to cancel the order since it says that it hasn't shipped yet and is "processing". No email response. I call their number, rings and rings and tells me someone will answer shortly for over an hour.

I begin emailing them and posting on their facebook page daily. Nothing. Then, magically, my order changes to "shipped" after a week and arrives like a day later. Sending it back will lose me a percentage of the price and cost me a restocking fee. I ended up keeping it and decided to sell it on ebay or something.

Then I get on their mailing list. So I keep getting emails from them telling me about their sales and what not. I received about 12 of these emails. Eventually I respond with the following email:

"Please stop sending me emails about your sales. I placed an order with you around Christmas and then tried to cancel that order. I called you and emailed you and posted on your company's facebook page repeatedly and noone answered me. I ended up with the item I tried to cancel and never heard anything from you.
You can imagine how it irritates me that you keep emailing me now.

Thank you,

Jen has received no further emails. Jen got money back by selling bracelet. Jen wins.
Every day I get up and get ready. I wash and arrange my hair. Put on perfume and a little make up. Put in my contacts and put on clothes I think are flattering. It can take me an hour to get washed and dried and dressed.

Then at the end of the day my make up is faded away. My hair might succumb to the humidity or come out of its pins. Contacts are replaced with glasses. Jeans and shoes give way to a pair of comfy pants and socks.

Like yesterday. It's nearly 11. I'm wearing glasses and sweat pants and a cropped tee. Lying there listening to basketball with no thought given to my hair, which is in disarray on the pillow.

That's when he tells me I'm gorgeous. That my skin is perfect and I'm his dream girl.

Then it's morning. My eyes are puffy and my hair is tangled. I've barely opened my eyes. That's when he tells me I'm beautiful.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


You're damn straight I won't be the one to mend this feud.
You may think I started it, but I was justified in what I said to him that day. You come to me crying and telling me he's being emotionally abusive and you expect me NOT to say anything when the next day he gives you a fucking flower and everything is peachy? HELL NO
I don't care if he was there for you when things were hard for you. If it weren't for him you wouldn't have been in what you called the most horrific situation of your life to begin with.
You're different since he came around. And yes I blame him.
For months you tell me you two are just friends, "He's even seeing other girls" you say. and he's your friend and I have to be nice. Then suddenly you're in love with him and you want to "Be someone he can be proud to call his"? Fuck that. He isn't good enough for you anyway. Either you've been lying or he has. Either you've been lying to me, yourself and everyone around about what you two are, or he's been lying to YOU about it. If you've been in love with him this whole time, open your eyes and see that for all intents and purposes HE CHEATED ON YOU.
You love him because you think he's gonna grow up and be different? Love him for who he IS and not who you THINK he's gonna be. When did you get so stupid? He isn't going to change, but you already are.
Everyone sees him for what he is except for you. The sooner you see it and move on with your life the better.
I'm not going to be friends with him. I'm not going to accept someone into my life that acts the way he does. And I am certainly not going to be happy for you and this relationship.

Your pissed off older sister.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

So I had an awkward moment...

I was at my boyfriend's cousin's hockey senior night. We were milling around by a trophy case waiting for everyone to assemble so we could roll out to Donato's.
I'm standing there with Casey (the cousin's girlfriend) and we notice someone has stuffed a dollar into the trophy case. We begin discussing how to retrieve it when the younger cousins (twin boys, about 9) come over and join us. We joke about picking the lock and I pull a pen from my purse and say "Alohamora!" (and I executed a perfect "swish and flick", I might add). Casey laughs, but the twins just stare at my smiling face like I'm stupid. Their mother also gives me a strange look.
Later I remember that their dad, Jim, had told me during a conversation we'd had on vacation last year that the twins had not read Harry Potter. In fact, their mother doesn't allow anything Harry Potter in the house. Because the church told her it was evil.
That would explain the looks I got from her and twins at the hockey rink. I can only hope she missed the joke...