Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Indian in the Cupboard"

I read it and saw the movie as a kid. I forget a lot of the details but I know there was a cupboard that he just happen to find a magic key for and the main point seems to be "don't play god or mess with shit you don't understand" or something. But let me tell you something, if I had been Omri (which is a name never heard in my life before or since), things would have been way different.

These. See why I chose my tiny cars?
 First of all, what kid has western action figures? I had some little cowboy/indian/soldiers I guess, but they were those little monochrome plastic guys that are way less entertaining than Matchbox cars. As a kid I had Power Rangers and Batman and Darkwing Duck (google it) and Ninja Turtles and Disney characters and Barbies from my Happy Meals. Why not bring some of those to life? In the movie he grabs a handfull of his toys and puts them in there and we see a Darth Vader and a dinosaur and then he freaks and un-brings-them-to-life.
What kid decides he does NOT want a miniature dinosaur to train as a pet? No kid. Ever. In the history of kids.
I mean at least TRY. As an adult you're like "Oh, yea. That could be dangerous to have tiny dinosaurs" but as a kid you're like "HELL YES, TINY DINOSAURS!". But I digress.

I have enough Star Trek guys to build my own damn Federation. I have dozens of Star Wars characters. I have an Indiana Jones I found that's older than I am. I have Disney princesses. I have tiny animals. I have Mickey Mouse. And I am (so I'm told) an adult! Omri was just a kid with a cheap older brother who thinks a cupboard he found outside is a good birthday present. You'd think he'd want this more than I do.
If you give me a cupboard with a magic key that will bring my toys to life I am SO gonna have a tiny army of Spocks and Picards and a Mickey Mouse. And then (after I take away their guns) I'll have Han Solos and Stormtroopers and Iron Man. I mean, if I can make them back in to toys whenever they get out of hand, why not? However, my MicroMachine guys would probably escape too easily (can't have a little swarm of Jawas stealing my stuff) so I wouldn't bring those to life. But my Mego Spock? Alive. Jack Sparrow? Alive. That tiny Dracula? Undead. (See what I did there? Ha! But no for real, he might be dangerous.)

Maybe I'll learn some valuable lesson about how I shouldn't mess with powers beyond my understanding.

Or maybe I'll buy a Dumbledore action figure and get him to explain it to me.

Yup. That's what I'd do.

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