Thursday, April 5, 2012


I won a lot of Star Trek action figures on ebay.

They arrived (kind of shittily packed, but whatever. when people sell their kids' old toys they don't really care how they leave the house as long as they do).
My disappointment only lies with a Dax whose ponytail is broken off, a very worn Riker and a Mordock the Benzite without his respiration device. Not too shabby for about $0.50 a piece.

I opened the box to also discover some interesting additions to my "Star Trek" collection.

I did get all the figures promised (as I said, a few a little rougher than "great condition", but again, whatevs) along with some surprises. These surprises included:

-A black ponytail hair piece for a Lego minifigure.
-An 8" Ivan Ooze from Power Rangers
-A Michael Keaton (I say "Michael Keaton" instead of "Batman" because there are no Batman pieces to go with him. It is just Michael Keaton in a black turtleneck body suit)
-A few unnamed accessories that I can't figure out (they might be Star Trek...working on figuring it out)
-An anchor. (Yup. A little metal anchor. How on earth did the seller think an anchor is related to Star Trek?)

The good news is I got some figures I needed (Borg Picard "Locotus" for example) and after some Googling I found that my Ivan Ooze is a little rare so he's worth about $30.

I'd say that this purchase was a success.

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