Thursday, March 8, 2012

So I had an awkward moment...

I was at my boyfriend's cousin's hockey senior night. We were milling around by a trophy case waiting for everyone to assemble so we could roll out to Donato's.
I'm standing there with Casey (the cousin's girlfriend) and we notice someone has stuffed a dollar into the trophy case. We begin discussing how to retrieve it when the younger cousins (twin boys, about 9) come over and join us. We joke about picking the lock and I pull a pen from my purse and say "Alohamora!" (and I executed a perfect "swish and flick", I might add). Casey laughs, but the twins just stare at my smiling face like I'm stupid. Their mother also gives me a strange look.
Later I remember that their dad, Jim, had told me during a conversation we'd had on vacation last year that the twins had not read Harry Potter. In fact, their mother doesn't allow anything Harry Potter in the house. Because the church told her it was evil.
That would explain the looks I got from her and twins at the hockey rink. I can only hope she missed the joke...

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