Sunday, December 11, 2011

5 Things

5 Things that make me happier than they should:
- Muppet movies
- Christmas trees with lights (actually probably Christmas decorations in general)
- Sale coupons that make my online shopping cart cut in half
- Finishing a scrapbook and showing it to people
- Sleeping in and doing whatever I want in a quiet/empty house

5 Things that make me angrier than they should:
- People cutting me off in the car
- People being generally inconsiderate of other people (in malls, parking lots, movies, etc)
- When people sing lyrics wrong or misquote movies
- When my hamster chews on her cage bars for no reason (she has food, water AND CHEW TOYS)
- When people wake me up. Especially if it's far earlier than I had intended on waking up or if they then ask me questions.

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