Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I'm excitable. I admit it. I get on "kicks" of liking stuff or collecting a thing and then move on with my life.
But one thing that I have loved for as long as I can remember is Star Wars. I remember sitting by the big floor fan at gymnastics soley to do my Darth Vader impressions. I will never object to watching Han Solo be awesome. I will never not want see a kickass lightsaber battle. I will never want to get rid of the Star Wars actions figures and stuff I own. I will always make lightsaber noises when I have a pen/wrappingpaper tube/toy lightsaber. I watched the original trilogy last night actually (yes all of it).

I remember as a child the time I stayed up by myself (after my friend and my sister fell asleep) to watch that same trilogy before my mom took us to see Episode 1 the next day. I got the Yoda cup topper from Pizza Hut. I still have it on my book shelf.

I also love the anticipation of an event, Disney and collecting things. So what happens when you tell me that this year Disney will release 2 more sets of Star Wars vinylmations, a thing I already enjoy collecting?

Jen gets freaking excited, that's what happens.

Preview of open editions!

I am so excited to get my hands on these sets that I will tell anyone who will listen.

There will be an open edition set of 6 of Disney characters dressed as Star Wars characters. This set is due in May and I will be getting it somehow.

Then Series 2 of the blind box edition is a set of 12, possibly with variants which seem to be a popular thing. I own Series 1, which is based on Empire Strikes Back. Series 2 is going to be based on A New Hope. Which leads me to believe that there will be ANOTHER series in the future based on Return of the Jedi...and that, too, makes me excited (Admiral Ackbar and Ewoks HOLLA).


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