So I was thinking, I LIKE to be normal.
It's a wonderful game. It's like I'm tricking all the people because I'm being all pleasant and normal, and then on the inside I'm thinking:
"Oh my god. They have NO IDEA I'm singing the Back to the Future theme in here. I wish I was watching Star Trek right now. Lol what he just said made me think if a funny quote I read on the internet. Don't smile and laugh. They'll see it and then you'll have to explain and then you lose the Normal Game. What time is it? Wow, I've been doing this for a good hour and a half and NOONE suspects a thing. I think Phineas and Ferb comes on in ten minutes. I'll have to watch it later instead. Did he just say there are cookies? Ok, play it cool. Just take one cookie first. You're an adult and you can buy cookies whenever you want them, no need to inhale them in front of these people during your Game. Do you want to lose?! Ew no, I have not seen 'The Notebook' all the way through. Just nod and make that 'OMG such a cute movie' face. Pretend she's talking about Wall-E. There we go."
The only problem is, the longer I go in the Game, the more excited I get about my success. Which is when it get dangerous and I really have to focus.